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Community Playgroups (parent-led playgroups)

A community or parent-led playgroup is a group of parents or caregivers with their babies, toddlers and preschool children who get together regularly for play and social interaction. Community playgroups are not facilitated by professionals and bring young children, parents, carers, families and communities together to learn and develop through informal play activities and social interaction.


Any children aged 0-5 can join a playgroup. Often, it is good to have a range of ages at playgroup, so that children can learn from one another.

What you can get

Community playgroups bring parents/carers and their young children together from birth to school age. They are typically hosted in public spaces such as community halls, churches, primary schools or neighbourhood houses and can be held around a common interest such as baby, grandparent, intergenerational or culture.

Some community playgroups have a structured routine such as an activity, snack time, story-time and a song. Other playgroups can be more casual and are about adults and children simply spending time together with peers.

How to access

This interactive map can be used to search for a playgroup nearest to a family. Support a family to call, email or message the group to find out more information about the session.

Families can be supported to visit the group to see if it suits them or you can contact Playgroup Victoria who can assist in finding a group that suits a family’s needs.

To find out more about playgroups in a family’s area, encourage a family to speak with their Universal or Aboriginal Maternal and Child Health nurse or contact the local council.


Find more information about playgroups.